
2014/5/16  发表于3642天前  院校排名  36447 

2015年英国大学研究能力排名,该数据由 the complete university guide 提供。


排名 学校名称 得分
1 Cambridge 2.98
2 Oxford 2.96
3 London School of Economics 2.96
4 Imperial College London 2.94
5 University College London 2.84
6 Manchester 2.82
7 Warwick 2.8
8 York 2.78
9 Essex 2.77
10 Edinburgh 2.75
11 Queen Mary 2.73
12 St Andrews 2.72
13 Bristol 2.72
14 Durham 2.72
15 Southampton 2.72
16 Leeds 2.72
17 Sheffield 2.72
18 Bath 2.71
19 Lancaster 2.71
20 King's College London 2.69
21 Cardiff 2.69
22 Nottingham 2.67
23 Royal Holloway 2.67
24 Birmingham 2.64
25 Newcastle 2.63
26 Loughborough 2.62
27 Exeter 2.62
28 Sussex 2.61
29 Kent 2.6
30 SOAS 2.6
31 Glasgow 2.59
32 East Anglia 2.58
33 Goldsmiths, University of London 2.58
34 Surrey 2.58
35 Aberdeen 2.57
36 Queen's, Belfast 2.56
37 Liverpool 2.54
38 Dundee 2.54
39 Reading 2.53
40 University of the Arts, London 2.49
41 Heriot-Watt 2.48
42 Aberystwyth 2.48
43 Ulster 2.48
44 City 2.48
45 Strathclyde 2.45
46 Leicester 2.45
47 Swansea 2.43
48 Aston 2.43
49 Bangor 2.43
50 Stirling 2.41
51 Keele 2.41
52 Hertfordshire 2.4
53 Brighton 2.37
54 Hull 2.37
55 Salford 2.36
56 Bradford 2.34
57 Brunel 2.32
58 De Montfort 2.32
59 Birmingham City 2.31
60 St George's, University of London 2.28
61 East London 2.24
62 London South Bank 2.24
63 Portsmouth 2.24
64 Westminster 2.23
65 Oxford Brookes 2.2
66 Falmouth 2.2
67 Roehampton 2.2
68 West of England, Bristol 2.2
69 Bournemouth 2.18
70 Middlesex 2.18
71 Plymouth 2.18
72 Nottingham Trent 2.16
73 Winchester 2.16
74 Manchester Metropolitan 2.16
75 Liverpool John Moores 2.15
76 Northumbria 2.15
77 Huddersfield 2.1
78 South Wales 2.09
79 Bedfordshire 2.09
80 Anglia Ruskin 2.07
81 Robert Gordon 2.06
82 Leeds Metropolitan 2.05
83 Sheffield Hallam 2.05
84 Kingston 2.04
85 Glasgow Caledonian 2.01
86 Teesside 1.99
87 Central Lancashire 1.96
88 Chichester 1.96
89 Derby 1.96
90 Harper Adams 1.95
91 Lincoln 1.9
92 Greenwich 1.9
93 University for the Creative Arts 1.9
94 Bath Spa 1.89
95 Cardiff Metropolitan 1.88
96 Sunderland 1.86
97 Leeds Trinity 1.86
98 Coventry 1.85
99 London Metropolitan 1.84
100 West of Scotland 1.84
101 Abertay 1.83
102 Edinburgh Napier 1.83
103 Canterbury Christ Church 1.79
104 Bolton 1.75
105 Chester 1.74
106 Gloucestershire 1.72
107 Northampton 1.69
108 Glyndwr 1.69
109 West London 1.67
110 Buckinghamshire New 1.67
111 Staffordshire 1.62
112 Worcester 1.54
113 Newman 1.52
114 Royal Agricultural University 1.5
115 Edge Hill 1.5
116 Southampton Solent 1.49
117 York St John 1.4
118 Queen Margaret 1.37
119 Cumbria 1.23
120 Arts University Bournemouth 1.2
121 Bishop Grosseteste 1.19
122 St Mark and St John 1.08
123 Buckingham 无数据





2023/11/21  发表于166天前  院校排名  9391 



2023/10/30  发表于188天前  院校排名  8460 



2024/2/27  发表于68天前  院校排名  4641 



2024/3/21  发表于45天前  院校排名  3007 

QS 榜单中雇主声誉排名靠前的院校

坐落在伦敦市中心的 UCL 总能吸引大家的目光,留学生比例达40%。它是首所给予女性受平等高等教育权利的英国大学,每年都会在助学金和活动上投入大量资金。

2024/1/23  发表于103天前  院校排名  5610 



2023/12/4  发表于153天前  院校排名  7301 



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