Victoria University is founded in 1916 and has developed to become a world-renowned institution embedded in its rich history while also pioneering in technological advancements.VU has in total eight faculties, which provide options such as language courses, TAFE courses, diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and doctorate degrees. It is ranked as one of the global top 2% universities according to Times Higher Education World University Rankings, 3rd in place in the state of Victoria, and 45th in the Young University Rankings.
The VU College of Sport and Exercise Science is ranked as 12th in the world, and its research in this field is also one of the best in the world. VU does not depend on government subsidies; over 70% of the research fees are contributed from exceptional companies in the relevant industries. This means that research at VU is oriented around real-life issues found in society, in return promoting innovation that is directly related to society's needs.
Why choose The College of Sport and Exercise Science? A range of different technology and equipment are readily available at VU. If you are an aspiring athlete, coach, team doctor, clinical rehabilitation doctor, team director, or even administrative staff in the government, come study at VU and gain the 5-star experience of becoming an expert in the sports and exercise science field!
维多利亚大学始建于1916年,是一所人文历史悠久且领跑于现代高科技前沿的世界著名大学。学校共设有8大学院,提供了包括语言课程、 TAFE 课程、预科、大一文凭,以及本科、硕士和博士学位等不同学历阶段的优质课程。
❶ VU可以实现神经肌肉骨骼X-Ray拍摄的运动测试装备
❷ 我们拥有直接拍摄运动过程中骨骼状态的黑科技
❸ 我们有超凡的顶级科学家团队以及高精端的事业
❹ 我们有一流合作政府部门以及顶级职业球队