2010/10/20 发表于5149天前 留学资讯 66011
20 Best Places To Live
Edinburgh: The Best Place To Live
Winchester: 2nd Best
Epsom & Ewell: 3rd Best
Waverley: 4th Best
Mole Valley: 5th Best
Surrey Heath: 6th Best
South Cambridgeshire: 7th Best
Chelmsford: 8th Best
Horsham: 9th Best
Elmbridge: 10th Best
East Dunbartonshire: 11th Best
Guildford:12th Best
St Albans: 13th Best
Rushcliffe: 14th Best
Bath & NE Somerset: 15th Best
Mid Sussex: 16th Best
Suffolk Coastal: 17th Best
South Northamptonshire: 18th Best
Reigate And Banstead: 19th Best
Wokingham: 20th Best
20 Worst Places To Live
Middlesbrough: Worst Place To Live
Kingston upon Hull: 2nd Worst
Newham: 3rd Worst
Nottingham: 4th Worst
Merthyr Tydfil: 5th Worst
North East Lincolnshire: 6th Worst
Islington: 7th Worst
Blaenau Gwent: 8th Worst
Mansfield: 9th Worst
Knowsley: 10th Worst
Blackpool: 11th Worst
Hackney: 12th Worst
Stoke-on-Trent: 13th Worst
Barking & Dagenham: 14th Worst
Doncaster: 15th Worst
Cannock Chase: 16th Worst
Manchester: 17th Worst
Haringey: 18th Worst
Burnley: 19th Worst
Hartlepool: 20th Worst
Source: Channel 4
2024/10/23 发表于32天前 留学资讯 2475
2024/10/12 发表于43天前 留学资讯 2855
IC不仅在本次QS中拿下全英第一,给了众人最亮眼的“十年之约”;其实近五年来,本就名列前茅的IC,排名也一直稳步上升。 帝国理工在QS学科排名中也成绩斐然。
2024/9/27 发表于58天前 留学资讯 4033
IELTS for UKVI单科重考和IELTS单科重考到底有何不同?
在考试费用、报名流程、成绩发放方面,新上线的IELTS for UKVI 单科重考与IELTS单科重考完全一致,想要参加考试的考生们请及时锁定心仪考位。
2024/9/14 发表于71天前 留学资讯 4584
2024/9/4 发表于81天前 留学资讯 4223