1. 10周混合语言班(6周在线+4周面授),目前没有雅思成绩的学生也可先申请;
2. 学生先在线学习6周,支付课程押金300英镑;7月6号之前提供符合10周的UKVI雅思成绩,以留出申请签证的时间,然后去英国读剩余的4周。剩余学费要求在7月10号之前支付,如果在7月6号之前考不出合格的雅思,不需要支付学费余款;
3. 后续根据疫情发展,不排除10周混合语言班全部改为在线授课的可能。
The 10-week Blended Learning Pre-sessional course will be available for summer 2020. This course is for students may experience delays in obtaining English language test scores or completing undergraduate courses because of Covid19/coronavirus disruption.
The 10-week Blended Learning Pre-sessional course will cover similar content to the standard 10-week Pre-sessional course, but will be separated into two phases:
• Orientation (delivered online): 25 June to 26 June 2020
• Online phase (6 weeks): 29 June to 7 August 2020
• On-site phase in St Andrews (4 weeks): 10 August to 3 September 2020
£4,000 (this fee covers orientation and both the online and on-site phases)
To reserve your place on this course and start the online phase, you must pay a non-refundable deposit of £300. There is a limited number of Pre-sessional places each year, and these are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
The full tuition fee must be paid by Friday 10 July 2020.
Students who need a visa will only be able to progress onto the on-site phase if they provide their required English language evidence by Monday 6 July 2020 (see the entry requirements section for details). Students who are unable to provide satisfactory English evidence by Monday 6 July 2020 can withdraw from the course before Friday 10 July 2020 without paying the full tuition fee.
To apply for the 10-week Blended Learning Pre-sessional course and enter the online phase, you must have a conditional offer for any postgraduate degree programme at the University of St Andrews. It is not necessary to provide an English language test score to enter the online phase.
The deadline for applications is Friday 19 June 2020. Applicants do not need to provide an English language test score by this date, but they must hold a conditional offer for any postgraduate degree programme at the University of St Andrews.
To progress onto the on-site phase, students who require a visa must submit their required English language evidence by 6 July 2020 to allow time for processing their visa before they arrive in St Andrews. Students who do not require a visa must submit their English language evidence before the start of the on-site phase